The Garden of Earthly Delights or The Damned Yard

The Garden of Earthly Delights or The Damned Yard

The installation consists of a nylon with lots of garbage which surrounds a smaller piece of soil with planted wheat. The soil is bordered by barbed wire with an electric fence around it and a surveillance camera. In a corner, there is a chair and a small working table with a computer that displays the camera footage. In the gallery is played the Earth frequency (OM).

”The Garden of Earthly Delights or The Damned Yard” is a depiction of a dystopia that the world is already rushing towards, facing the first signs of climate change, while catastrophic consequences await humanity in the very near future. While dealing with environmental issues, this project also cuts in harsh social relations.

The triptych “Eco-financial segregation” is based on a narrative about the time after climate change and the coronavirus disaster. These two phenomena are connected as those that are manipulated for the sake of capital and power. In order for human beings to become more resilient or as an excuse to establish a new social order and a permanent genetic change that will make people physically different, they interbreed with animals: the richest with boars; the class that serves the rich with rats; and the poorest class with cockroaches. The people-wild boars in the drawings are on a gold background that symbolizes their economic supremacy, the people-rats who work for them are on a less valuable copper base, while the people-cockroaches are on red because they do not possess anything material except their own body, that is, blood. The drawing “Disinfest” speaks of the cruel elimination of those who are redundant. “Rat extermination” shows the nullification of soldiers, people-rats. Although closer to the elite than cockroach people, they are easily interchangeable if, for whatever reason, the moguls decide to “abolish” them. “Hoarder King” is a depiction of a greedy post-consumerist financial elite that avariciously grabs everything that can get by becoming a hoarder, a garbage collector.

The polluted land is represented by waste, while the part with wheat surrounded by an electric fence and CCTV, points to new social divisions and struggles over the remaining, strictly guarded resources and territories adequate for life. According to Slavoj Žižek, those who are essentially responsible for creating a devastated and polluted world are fleeing from everything bad they have done, living in fenced communities, eating organic products, and spending vacations in nature reserves.

By releasing, as part of the installation, the sounds of nature and the frequency of the Earth, the so-called OM, it is emphasized that the hyper-consumer society, in its last phase, has moved from buying products to buying youth beauty, health, and spirituality.







