Arcane Future – Myth, Machine, and Nature


Rod’s Prophecy, oil on canvas, 120x100cm, 2024
Rod’s Prophecy, video-animation, 22’’, 2024
Veles’ Omen, oil on canvas, 120x100cm, 2024
Veles’ Omen, video-animation, 19’’, 2024
All Hail Perun, 120x100cm, oil on canvas, 2024
All Hail Perun, video-animation, 14’’

Although it may seem contradictory at first glance, the rapid destruction of nature leads to greater ecological awareness and the development of a new, posthuman worldview. This post-anthropocentric perspective does not see humans as the highest and most important beings on the planet, but instead equally values the world of flora and fauna. On the one hand, there is a growing awareness among individuals in recognizing Otherness. Still, at the same time, there is also a fear of ecological disaster, which draws people back to nature. It is as if human beings, out of a sense of guilt, are starting to distance themselves from their humanity, which is reflected in subcultures where they take on the roles of animals.

Within the furry fandom subculture, people adopt animal appearances by wearing costumes of chosen animals while retaining human characteristics. They create anthropomorphic animal characters—fursona—with which they identify and that serve as avatars, either in real life or online communities. Some believe they are spiritually connected to the animal kingdom, that they are animals trapped in human forms, or that they were animals in a past life.

With the advancement of genetic engineering in the future, the furry fandom could evolve from a subculture into new transgenic, posthuman species that merge humans and animals. Paradoxically, this return to nature through animal forms is occurring through genetic engineering as the ultimate civilizational product. On the other hand, it can be interpreted as a regression to past lives, that is, to animals, which are the last successful entities in the hierarchical evolutionary chain, unlike humans who have experienced a civilizational failure.

Transgenic beings in the attire of ancient Slavic pagans pray to their gods associated with nature and communicate with natural forces through magical rites and rituals. This “contemporary fairy tale” addresses key issues of today’s humanity, such as wars, climate change and resource extractions, providing certain insights into a possible future.












